Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4/2 Team B @ The Iron Horse Music Hall

Popular indie-folk band Beirut’s Kelly Pratt performed with his new project Team B at the Iron Horse last Friday to a young crowd attracted by the supergroup nature of Team B’s new album.  The self-titled album was recorded on tour with Beirut and Arcade Fire, and features LCD Soundsystem’s Pat Mahoney on drums.

Live however, Team B plays with Kelly Pratt, Jon Natchez, and Jason Poranski of Beirut, and Ryan Smith of the rising inide band Twin Thousands.  The resulting performance was not the anticipated super band some had expected, but a more experimental folk band that could easily be traced back to its roots.

Similar in style to the ten-piece ensemble that is Beirut, Team B brings onstage a trumpet, bass clarinet, euphonium, flute, saxophone, bass guitar, drums, and two electric guitars.  The sound that emerges is reminiscent of Beirut’s Gulag Orkestar LP, complimented with heavy use of the trumpet- yet lacks the soothing mandolin, and ukulele played by Zack Condon of Beirut. 

When I spoke with Pratt about his influences, he informed me that he is new to the world of indie-rock, and comes from a background in the free jazz scene.  He also spent time working with famous jazz musician Anthony Braxton.  Pratt mentioned that while he is writing songs, he doesn’t think about who will be listening.  “Though it’s stupid and artsy to say, I don’t think about who it appeals to, I just listen for the overall sound.” Pratt said.  “For example, the bass clarinet is my favorite instrument in the world.  It almost has a human voice, it’s like it speaks to you.”

Team B’s new album is available for pre-order at and on iTunes.   

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