Thursday, April 9, 2009

Caspian 3/27

Many fans were not surprised to find that post-rock band Caspian drew an impressive crowd to the Iron Horse Music hall in Northampton last Friday night.  This is partially due to the fact that 2009 will mark Caspian’s 6th year playing, and promises the release of their second full-length album.

The quintet from Beverly, Massachusetts has no lead singer, and no lyrics.  Instead, their three part guitar harmonies act both as a lullaby and a driving force that commands the attention of everyone within earshot.  What I found to be particularly surprising was the band’s ability to captivate their audience for songs lasting five or more minutes- over, and over again.    

Dana Booze, of Albany, New York drove almost 100 miles with his girlfriend to see as he puts it, “the most underrated band around.”  He went on to explain that listening to Caspian reminds him of the tranquil feeling he got while listening to Pink Floyd growing up.

When asked about the outcome of the show, Caspian’s drummer, Joe Vickers said he was “just happy to see so many cool people out to represent- whether it’s here, or in Bumble Tennessee.”  If you want to hear more Caspian, you can check them out at or 

Some photos from the show:


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